Imagine yourself getting ready for work then your son walks in and asks, Should I Use a Credit Card to Pay Off my Car Loan? Each day, a huge selection of young first-time car owners wonder whether it makes sense to pay off their car loans employing their credit cards. On the other hand, you most likely have a high-interest mortgage to pay and you intend to proceed from your auto loan as soon as possible.
Here are some important factual statements about using a bank card to pay off monthly car loan installments.

Can I pay my monthly car loan with a credit card?
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Yes, you can. You will need to fill in a balance transfer form provided by your bank card provider. Once the balance transfer is complete, you’ll repay your auto loan using new terms provided by your bank card company. Before you fill in a balance transfer application, check whether your credit card’s limit is large enough.
Why can’t I pay my car loan with a credit card?
- Some car dealerships don’t accept bank card payments since they attract high merchant fees.
- The auto loan exceeds your credit limit.
- Your credit score falls lacking the requirements.
Should I use a credit card to pay off my car loan?
Yes, if you intend to enjoy these advantages.
1. Zero interest charges for the first 18 months
Nowadays, bank card companies lure customers by offering 0% APR for the very first eighteen months. When you have significantly less than eighteen months to pay off your auto loan, you’ll save a substantial amount of cash by switching to a zero percent APR repayment plan.
In addition to avoiding interest charges for eighteen months, you’ll manage to pay your monthly installments on time. Payment history accounts for at the least 35 percent of one’s credit score. When you pay your monthly auto loan installments on time, your credit score improves.
2. Accumulate many reward points
Virtually every bank card company runs a person reward program to encourage continuous spending. Some companies give you periods of discounted interest rates if you accumulate reward points to a specified minimum. You may also take advantage of an elevated credit limit and this directly improves your credit rating.
3. Spend less by eliminating GAP monthly premiums
Whenever your credit lender approves your auto loan application, you spend a monthly installment that consists of a special insurance premium. Since you’re creating a credit purchase, your car dealership or bank charges a Guaranteed Auto Protection premium (GAP). Just in case a consumer defaults, the creditor can recoup part of the outstanding payments from the GAP premiums.
Did you understand that GAP premiums account fully for at the least 10 percent of one’s auto loan monthly installment? When you apply for a balance transfer, the bank card company won’t charge you GAP premiums.
How to pay an auto loan with a credit card
- Ask whether your car dealership or credit lender allow balance transfers. If yes, request for a credit card applicatoin form.
- Pay the fee necessary to initiate the balance transfer.
- Check whether your bank card company has reduced your auto loan.
What are the disadvantages of using my credit card to pay off an auto loan?
1. Only favors car buyers who have less than 18 monthly installments in their auto loan
Credit card companies charge 0 % APR for the very first eighteen months you utilize your credit card. When you have significantly less than 18 monthly installments to clear, you’ll save a lot because you do not pay interest charges for 18 months.
What are the results after the promotional period expires? The bank card resumes for their normal interest rates which range from 16-19 percent. This is really higher than your auto loan interest charges. In the event that you skip payments during the promotional period, your monthly installments will undoubtedly be costly.
2. Waters down your payment history score
In the credit world, secured debts attract more respect than unsecured credit. Creditors usually pay more focus on your mortgages and secured bank loans’payment history than they do to your bank card history.
When you transfer your auto loan to your bank card, you switch from secured to unsecured debt. This shift will remain within your credit score for at the least two years.
3. Exceeds the 30 % credit limit rule
Financial coaches advise visitors to utilize 30 percent of these credit limit. Doing it will help a borrower to repay their loans on time and boost their credit score significantly. If your credit limit is $1,000, your monthly bank card expenditure shouldn’t exceed $300.
When you request a balance transfer, the auto loan balance definitely exceeds 30 % of one’s credit limit. It could oftimes be 80-100 % of one’s credit limit and this directly affects your credit score. Even though you pay your monthly installments on time, your credit score won’t improve much.
4. Costly migration process
Auto loans make their profits through the monthly installments you spend during the repayment period. It’s in their utmost interest to ensure you stick for their plan from your first installment until the ultimate one. So, when you request to transfer your auto loan to your bank card, expect some resistance.
Some auto loan lenders require the client to pay the balance transfer fee and one month’s installment in cash. The balance transfer fee is normally 5 %of your auto loan balance. If you don’t have enough money accessible, you should have to offer off several belongings to afford your balance transfer costs.
5. Skipping a few payments attracts harsh consequences
Charge cards are a questionnaire of unsecured debt. Since bank card lenders want to minimize the risk of default, they employ strict controls to ensure you spend your debt on time. In the event that you skip a monthly payment, you should have to pay late payment fines that probably total 10 percent of one’s outstanding credit.
In the event that you skip an additional payment, the bank card company immediately reports you to credit reference bureaus. Auto loan lenders are far more approachable and are less likely to report you if you manage to make partial payments.
Should I pay my auto loan payments using a credit card?
While it could seem rational to transfer your auto loan balance to a zero percent bank card, you lose credit score points when you switch from a secured to an unsecured debt. Plus, your credit score takes another dip as soon as your auto loan exceeds 30 % of one’s credit limit.
If you need help on auto loan refinancing, you are able to always call Complete Auto Loans.
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